Ronald, George, William, and Robert are playing cards. They are sitting such that all of them sit in four different directions (North, South, East, and West) and face the center. The partners will always face each other. Ronald and George are partners. If George is facing east, and William is sitting towards the left-hand side of George, which direction is Robert facing?



Step by Step Explanation:
  1. The following picture shows the relation between the four directions:
  2. It is given that George is facing east. Therefore, he should be sitting as follows,
  3. It is also given that William is sitting on the left-hand side of George. Also, all the four are sitting in different directions and facing the center. Therefore, he should be sitting as follows,
  4. Ronald is George's partner, he should be sitting opposite to George.

  5. Robert is William's partner, and he should be sitting opposite to William.
  6. Now, we can see that Robert is facing the north direction.

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